/* ALL FUNCTIONS!! This will contain all javascript functions used by the Control Panel */ // // global used to track which message to display for help // var help_state = false; // // help_info // // JavaScript function to toggle whether to show message requesting more help // or the contents of the help message. // The function also changes the 'arrow' image next to the message. // // Input: // help_img_short The collapsed help image. // help_img_long The expanded help image (displayed when the user requests more help) // // The help_img_short should be shown by default when the page is initially loaded. // function help_info(help_img_long,help_img_short) { var help_text_node = document.getElementById("addl_help_text"); var image_node = document.getElementById("addl_help_image"); var help_short_node = document.getElementById("help_short"); var help_long_node = document.getElementById("help_long"); if (help_state) { help_text_node.innerHTML = help_short_node.innerHTML; image_node.src = help_img_short; help_state = false; } else { help_text_node.innerHTML = help_long_node.innerHTML; image_node.src = help_img_long; help_state = true; } } // // submitCheck // // Function for form validation/submition. Checks to make sure a given form // value is not blank, or a checkbox list has at least one box selected. // // Input: // alertString Message for alert box if formItemToCheck is blank // formItemToCheck Form item (or checkbox group) to check // targetItem Item to set to targetValue if formItemToCheck is not blank // targetValue Value to set targetItem to // confirmString (optional) If givin, this string will pop up before the form is // submited ("Are you sure you want to delete...") // function submitCheck(alertString, formItemToCheck, targetItem, targetValue, confirmString) { if (document.forms[0].elements[formItemToCheck].length == 0) { return false; } else if (countChecks(formItemToCheck) == 0) { alert(alertString); } else { if (confirmString) { if(confirm(confirmString)) { document.forms[0].elements[targetItem].value = targetValue; } else { return false; } } document.forms[0].elements[targetItem].value = targetValue; document.forms[0].submit(); } } // // countChekcs // // Helper function for submitCheck. Makes sure formItemToCheck is not blank. // function countChecks(formItemToCheck) { var checks = 0; var itemToCheck = document.forms[0].elements[formItemToCheck]; if (itemToCheck) { if (itemToCheck.length) { for (i = 0; i < itemToCheck.length; i++) { if (itemToCheck[i].checked) { checks++; } } } else { if (itemToCheck.checked) { checks++; } } } return checks; } // for checking & unchecking flags of a particular field (helpful in the mail, file, and user sections) var checkflag = 'false'; function check(field) { if (field) { if (checkflag == 'false') { field.checked=true; for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i].checked = true; } checkflag='true'; } else { field.checked=false; for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i].checked = false; } checkflag='false'; } } } function restartApache(message, url) { if (document.all) { var xMax = screen.width, yMax = screen.height; } else { if (document.layers) { var xMax = window.outerWidth, yMax = window.outerHeight; } else { var xMax = 640, yMax=480; } } var xOffset = (xMax + 100), yOffset = (yMax + 100); var myRestartWindow = window.open(url, 'restart', "width=1,height=1,screenX="+xOffset+",screenY="+yOffset+",top="+xOffset+",left="+yOffset+""); window.alert(message); myRestartWindow.close(); } function submitButton(type, field, confirmstring, alertstring, numChecks) { var showAlert = 0; if (numChecks > 1) { for (i = 0; i < numChecks; i++) { if (document.forms[0].cbUserID[i].checked == false) { showAlert++; } } } else if (numChecks == 1) { if (document.forms[0].cbUserID.checked == false) { showAlert++; } } if (showAlert == numChecks) { alert(alertstring); } else { if (confirm(confirmstring)) { document.forms[0].confirmdelete.value = "yes"; document.forms[0].submit(); } } } var windowname = "maincp"; function showAddress() { filename = "wm_select-addressee.xsl"; filetitle = "SelectRecipient"; window.name = windowname; if (document.all) var xMax = screen.width, yMax = screen.height; else if (document.layers) var xMax = window.outerWidth, yMax = window.outerHeight; else var xMax = 640, yMax=480; var xOffset = (xMax - 380)/2, yOffset = (yMax - 300)/2; var myConfirmWindow = window.open(filename, filetitle, "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=530,height=400,screenX="+xOffset+",screenY="+yOffset+",top="+xOffset+",left="+yOffset+""); if (myConfirmWindow.opener == null) myConfirmWindow.opener = self; return false; } function closeAddress() { // fill in the selected addresses in the to, cc, and bcc fields in the parent window. var i = 0; var tos = 0; var tostring = ""; var ccs = 0; var ccstring = ""; var bccs = 0; var bccstring = ""; if (document.forms[0].to != null) { if (document.forms[0].to.length == null) { if ((document.forms[0].to) && (document.forms[0].to.checked)){ tostring += document.forms[0].to.value; tos = 1; } if ((document.forms[0].cc) && (document.forms[0].cc.checked)) { ccstring += document.forms[0].cc.value; ccs = 1; } if ((document.forms[0].bcc) && (document.forms[0].bcc.checked)) { bccstring += document.forms[0].bcc.value; bccs = 1; } } for (i = 0; i <= document.forms[0].to.length; i++) { if ((document.forms[0].to[i]) && (document.forms[0].to[i].checked)) { // add a comma if you're at the second or more 'to' address or if there's already text in the "to" text field if (tos >= 1) { tostring += ", " + document.forms[0].to[i].value; } else { tostring += document.forms[0].to[i].value; } tos++; } if ((document.forms[0].cc[i]) && (document.forms[0].cc[i].checked)) { // add a comma if you're at the second or more 'cc' address or if there's already text in the "cc" text field if (ccs >= 1) { ccstring += ", " + document.forms[0].cc[i].value; } else { ccstring += document.forms[0].cc[i].value; } ccs++; } if ((document.forms[0].bcc[i]) && (document.forms[0].bcc[i].checked)) { // add a comma if you're at the second or more 'bcc' address or if there's already text in the "bcc" text field if (bccs >= 1) { bccstring += ", " + document.forms[0].bcc[i].value; } else { bccstring += document.forms[0].bcc[i].value; } bccs++; } } var epat = /^\s*$/; if (tostring != "") { var text = window.opener.document.forms[0].txtToName.value; if (text.match(epat)) { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtToName.value += tostring; } else { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtToName.value += ", " + tostring; } } if (ccstring != "") { var text = window.opener.document.forms[0].txtCcName.value; if (text.match(epat)) { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtCcName.value += ccstring; } else { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtCcName.value += ", " + ccstring; } } if (bccstring != "") { var text = window.opener.document.forms[0].txtBccName.value; if (text.match(epat)) { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtBccName.value += bccstring; } else { window.opener.document.forms[0].txtBccName.value += ", " + bccstring; } } } window.close(); } function help_window(type) { if (document.all) var xMax = screen.width, yMax = screen.height; else if (document.layers) var xMax = window.outerWidth, yMax = window.outerHeight; else var xMax = 640, yMax=480; var xOffset = (xMax - 380)/2, yOffset = (yMax - 300)/2; var helpWindow = window.open("/ControlPanel/cp/help/index.xsl?lang=" + type, "helpwin", "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=530,height=400,screenX="+xOffset+",screenY="+yOffset+",top="+xOffset+",left="+yOffset); } function new_help_window(category, topic) { if (document.all) var xMax = screen.width, yMax = screen.height; else if (document.layers) var xMax = window.outerWidth, yMax = window.outerHeight; else var xMax = 640, yMax=480; var xOffset = (xMax - 380)/2, yOffset = (yMax - 300)/2; var windowprops = "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=1024,height=500,screenX="+xOffset+",screenY="+yOffset+",top="+xOffset+",left="+yOffset; var help_window = window.open( "/ControlPanel/help/index.xsl?category="+category+"&topic="+topic, "helpwin", windowprops ); help_window.focus(); } function showDirectoryDialog() { var filename = "/ControlPanel/cp/files/dirdialog.xsl?path="; filename += window.document.forms[0].target.value; if ((window.document.forms[0].target_user) && (window.document.forms[0].target_user.value)) { filename += "&target_user="; filename += window.document.forms[0].target_user.value; } var filetitle = "SelectDirectory"; window.name = windowname; var myConfirmWindow = window.open(filename, filetitle,"scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=240,height=440,screenX=30,screenY=30,top=30,left=30"); if (myConfirmWindow.opener == null) myConfirmWindow.opener = self; return false; } function closeDirectoryDialog() { window.opener.document.forms[0].target.value = window.document.forms[0].selectedPath.value; if (window.opener.document.forms[0].target_user) window.opener.document.forms[0].target_user.value = window.document.forms[0].target_user.value; window.close(); } function setTextAreaCursor(textAreaElement) { if (textAreaElement.setSelectionRange) { textAreaElement.focus(); textAreaElement.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } else if (textAreaElement.createTextRange) { var range = textAreaElement.createTextRange(); range.moveStart('character', 0); range.select(); } } function setTextAreaWrap(SelectControl, TextAreaControl) { TextAreaControl.wrap = SelectControl.options(SelectControl.selectedIndex).value; } // used by file manager edit contents function setTemplate(SelectControl, TextAreaControl, messageString, confirmString) { if (SelectControl.value == '') { if (confirm(confirmString)) TextAreaControl.value = ''; } else { if (TextAreaControl.value == '') TextAreaControl.value = SelectControl.options[SelectControl.selectedIndex].value; else alert(messageString); } } // used by file manager upload file function removeSingleFileUpload(url) { if (document.getElementById('overwrite').checked) url += '&overwrite=true'; window.location.href = url; } function validateField(messageString, field) { if(field.value != '') return true; alert(messageString); return false; } function validateRenameNewNameField(messageString, field) { if (field.value.indexOf('/') == -1) return true; alert(messageString); return false; } function changeUser() { document.forms[0].action.value="changeUser"; document.forms[0].submit(); } // for checking & unchecking flags of a particular field (helpful in the mail, file, and user sections) var checkflag = 'false'; function check2(field, checked) { if (field) { field.checked = checked; for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i].checked = checked; } } } /* Start Menu Collapse */ if (window.jQuery) { window.Menu = function () { var thisMenu = this; thisMenu.containerId = ''; thisMenu.saveKey = ''; thisMenu.saveArray = []; var del = '|'; var showStr = 's'; var hideStr = 'h'; var container = null; var headerRows = null; var arrowDownClass = 'arrowDown'; var arrowSideClass = 'arrowSide'; thisMenu.showSideClass = function (obj) { $('img', obj).attr('src', '/cpimages/arrowSide.gif'); }; thisMenu.showDownClass = function (obj) { $('img', obj).attr('src', '/cpimages/arrowDown.gif'); }; thisMenu.toggle = function () { var jThis = $(this); var obj = $('~ tr', this); var isVisible = obj.is(':visible'); if (isVisible) { obj.hide(); thisMenu.showSideClass(jThis); } else { obj.show(); thisMenu.showDownClass(jThis); } thisMenu.saveState(); }; thisMenu.populateSaveElement = function (index) { var obj = $('~ tr', this); var isVisible = obj.is(':visible'); var state = hideStr ; if (isVisible) { state = showStr; } thisMenu.saveArray[index] = state; }; thisMenu.saveState = function () { headerRows.each(thisMenu.populateSaveElement); var value = thisMenu.saveArray.join(del); value = encodeURI(value); var days = 7; var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires = " + date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = thisMenu.saveKey + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; }; thisMenu.loadState = function () { var i = 0; var cookieNameArray = []; var cookieName = ''; var cookieValue = ''; if (document.cookie) { cookieNameArray = document.cookie.split('; '); for (i = 0; i < cookieNameArray.length; i += 1) { cookieName = cookieNameArray[i]; if (cookieName.indexOf(thisMenu.saveKey) === 0) { cookieValue = cookieName.substring(thisMenu.saveKey.length + 1); cookieValue = decodeURI(cookieValue); thisMenu.saveArray = cookieValue.split(del); } } } }; thisMenu.hideAll = function () { $('~ tr', headerRows).hide(); thisMenu.showSideClass(headerRows); }; thisMenu.showState = function (index) { var saveArray = thisMenu.saveArray; var jThis = $(this); if (saveArray.length > index) { if (saveArray[index] === showStr) { $('~ tr', this).show(); thisMenu.showDownClass(jThis); } } }; thisMenu.showActive = function () { var activeRow = $('tr.active', container); $('~ tr', activeRow).show(); thisMenu.showDownClass(activeRow); }; thisMenu.init = function (paramObject) { thisMenu.containerId = paramObject.containerId; thisMenu.saveKey = paramObject.saveKey; container = $('#' + thisMenu.containerId); headerRows = $('tr.title', container); // // $('td', headerRows).append(''); // // In order to make the customer navigation menu function properly, needed to // leave out the custom navigation header row (tr) from the selection when // adding the arrow graphic, and set the custom 'headerRow' on its own. var notCustomHeaderRows = headerRows.not("#titleCustomSideNavTR"); $('td', notCustomHeaderRows).append(''); $('#titleCustomSideNav', container).append(''); thisMenu.hideAll(); thisMenu.showActive(); thisMenu.loadState(); headerRows.each(thisMenu.showState); headerRows.click(thisMenu.toggle); }; }; window.Menu.initMenu = function () { var paramObject = { 'containerId': 'navbgcontrolpanel', 'saveKey': 'menuState' }; var menu = new window.Menu(); menu.init(paramObject); paramObject = { 'containerId': 'navbgmail', 'saveKey': 'emailMenuState' }; var emailMenu = new window.Menu(); emailMenu.init(paramObject); }; $(document).ready(window.Menu.initMenu); } /* End Menu Collapse */